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FNB Living Annuity

After retirement, one of your biggest considerations is ensuring you have enough income to make ends meet. With an FNB Living Annuity you receive a regular income after retirement and get 1% back in eBucks when you switch your retirement savings.

How it works

Your income can be paid out on a monthly, quarterly, biannual or annual basis. You remain invested in the market and will continue to benefit from its performance but you will also be exposed to the risk of market shifts.

>What you need to know

Why you need this plan

Easy to manage and maintain

Flexibility to adjust your income based on your needs and the performance of your investment.

Pay no tax on returns

You pay no tax on investment returns or capital growth, but are taxed on the income you receive.

Stay invested

Grow your retirement savings by staying invested in the market.

Nominate your beneficiaries

Select who will receive your investment in the event of your death with either a lump sum or a regular income.


Adjust your income annually based or your needs and the performance of your investment.

Investing made easy

FNB Living Annuity

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Qualifying criteria

  • You must be retired and have an existing living annuity to transfer
  • Planning to retire and have retirement savings to transfer into a living annuity

What you need to know

  • You will receive an income for as long as your investment lasts so you need to keep an active eye on your withdrawal rate. Try to keep your maximum annual average below your investment return to allow for escalations.
  • Transfer the money that you have in a pension, provident, preservation or retirement annuity fund into an FNB Living Annuity.
  • Choose how much income you want from your FNB Living Annuity each year - between 2.5% and 17% - in line with your changing needs and the performance of your investment.